Oil Painting - Modern Art - 25x30cm - The woman and the rose
Painting on Canvas - Chinese Contemporary Art
Oil paintings on canvas depicting works inspired by contemporary Chinese artists:
We offer a selection of oil paintings from modern Chinese art made by contemporary Chinese painters who are inspired by the works of various artists. They are therefore original works inspired by the artist's style.
Type of painting: Oil painting, hand painted.
Frame: Canvas only. This canvas is sold without chassis, it is possible to buy a chassis on the site.
These paintings are made with oil paint, a technique appreciated by artists-painters, because it offers the possibility to create a wide range of effects of matter, transparency and brightness. Therefore, oil painting offers painters great creative possibilities, and artists we have selected use it to offer you works sometimes realistic, sometimes poetic. Browse the world of Chinese oil painting with the selection of our Chinese objects shop and escape by contemplating the richness and variety of these original and unique creations by contemporary artists.