Chinese Calligraphy - Confucius quote
You will find here a Chinese Calligraphy on rice paper, these kind of Chinese painting are called in China or in Japan Kakemono.
The Structure:
- A kakemono is a Japanese scroll painting or calligraphy mounted usually with silk fabric edges on a flexible backing, so that it can be rolled for storage.
- The kakemono was introduced to Japan during the Heian period, primarily for displaying Buddhist images for religious veneration, or as a vehicle to display calligraphy or poetry.
- From the Muromachi period, landscapes, flower and bird paintings, portraiture, and poetry became the favorite themes.
Chinese Culture:
- To achieve a beautiful Chinese calligraphy you need four elements: A good brush, some rice paper, a stone ink and some ink stick.
- In order to change ink stick into liquid ink you must crossed the ink stick on the ink stone and add some water.
Chinese calligraphy:
- Handmade calligraphy, which is a fine reproduction.
- This calligraphy is signed, you can see the stamp or small chinese symbols on the left..
- We do not translate the calligraphy