Borneo: The Dayak (Kayan Kenyah)
Ethnic headdresses / PUBLIÉ LE 01/04/2012 /
The term Dayak is a term that refers to the various peoples of the interior of the islands of Indonesia, Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Here there is a cap from the Dayak tribe of Borneo Kenyah. The Dayaks of Borneo are known by one of their customs: Head-hunting, this hunt is centered on the notion of trophy head. This can be achieved in various ways: In a fight, and by this sacrifice for the sake of revenge (the most common case) or to satisfy a desire for power.
The Dayaks, the trophy head was motivated individual and social enhancement because it allowed (among other tests) youth access to adult status. Prohibited in principle a long time, head-hunting could, some observers have survived to the end of World War II
Dayak feathered headdress ceremonial
Period: XXth Century
Material: Wicker, horsehair, feathers and pearls
Function: Clothing, ritual
Dayak ceremonial headdress
Period: XXth Century
Material: Wicker
Function: Clothing, ritual
Article published on 01/04/2012 at 11h00
in the category « Ethnic headdresses ».