Asian ethnic minorities headdresses
Ethnic headdresses / PUBLIÉ LE 01/04/2012 /
Discover our collection of ethnic dresses from Asia, we will add caps and information on our caps several times a week. Feel free to leave us comments, and if you too are a fan of ethnic dresses, come share your passion on our blog. The purpose of this blog is to reference the ethnic Asian headdresses.
Indonesian headdresses
Borneo - Dayak (Kayan Kenyah)
Papua (Irian Jaya)
Papua (Irian Jaya) - Asmat
Papua (Irian Jaya) - Kamoro
Papua New Guinea - Iatmul
Papua New Guinea - Huli
Alor the Abui - The Abuit (continued)
West Timor
West Timor - Atoni
East Timor - Ainaro
Sumba - Kanatangu
Sulawasi (Celebes)
Sulawasi (Celebes) - Toraja
Sumatra - Nias
Sumatra - Lampung
Bali and Java - Wayang Orang
Bali and Java - Wayang Orang (Gelung Supit Urang)
Bali and Java - Wayang Orang (Topeng Pajegan)
Bali and Java - Wayang Orang (Topong)
Java - Turban Raja
Indonesia - Other Minorities
Kalimantan and Sumatra - Rhinoceros Hornbill
Thai and Lao headdresses
Thailand and Laos - Akha
Indian headdresses (Nagaland)
India - Nagaland - Kalyo Kengyu
India - Nagaland - Chingmei
India - Nagaland
Turkmen headdresses
Turkmen - Bride Cap
Turkmen - Dance Headdress
The headdresses of Pakistan
Pakistan - Kohistan
Chinese headdresses
China - Tibet
Tibet - Monk (Lama)
Tibet - Sichuan - The Khampa (Kham)
Tibet - Qinghai - The Goloks (Amdo)
Tibet - Other ethnic
Tibet - Warrior
China - Miao
China - Miao (children)
China - Qing - Mandarin
China - Gejia
China - Children Caps
China - Yao
China - Yao - Children
China - Yao "Red"
China - Yao - Girls
China - Yao - Religious
Article published on 01/04/2012 at 10h52
in the category « Ethnic headdresses ».

Commentaire de Jean Luc :
« Apparement il y a plus de monde à Hanoi que dans les autres villes de Chine !!!! Même à Beijing il n'y a pas autant de motos !! »
Posté le 19/05/2012 à 07h23